Strachur Memorial Hall
Registered Scottish Charity No. SC024404
Minutes of Quarterly Meeting held on 26th January, 2020
be approved at the Meeting on 19th April, 2020
Present - Les Earle, Evie Campbell, Douglas McHugh, Fiona Campbell
Anne Fiddes (Guild/Quilters), Loraine Stewart (Country Dancers), Kate Paton (Piping Assoc.), Ian Asher (The Hub), Gretta Stevenson (WRSI), Susan Gaffney (SDL History Soc.), Rev. MacKenzie (Trustee/Parish Church), Caroline Brown (Youth & Drama)
Chair Welcome - Les stated the Constitution has to be revised, many groups on the constitution no longer exist. In due course we will put together a new constitution.
Les contacted the council to see what records they hold regarding the Hall. Their records refer to the Memorial Hall only. Les clarified with them that Memorial Hall meant the whole hall including New Hall. The Hall is insured through the Council for £2.4m in loss by fire or damage, £10,000 is the excess borne by the Hall. This issue will need to be settled, the Hall doesn’t have that amount available.
Apologies – Jackie Scott-Mandeville
Minutes of Committee Meeting of 29th October, were deemed to be a true reflection of the Meeting.
Matters arising – Gutters have been cleaned and Roof tiles aligned so that gutters now catch the drips.
Application for £500 for General Election was paid without question.
Bill Dickson was concerned regarding the upkeep of Heron Park but didn’t put forward a proposal. Les notified him to be on the monthly circular of Council list for grants available. Also noting that presently pipes were stored in the car park and perhaps money could be made for storage of the pipes. Les didn’t know if Bill followed up on these points and will wait for a proposal before seeing if the Hall can be of assistance.
There were no other points to raise on the Minutes.
Minutes of AGM – Les suggested it was better to raise anything from these Minutes just now rather than leave it till the following AGM. It was agreed they were a true representation of the AGM.
Treasurers Report – Douglas reported balance in present General Fund £8962.84
Fabric Fund £ 433.40
This is after the bill was paid for the Gutter work and the new Fridge bought Total £9396.24
Income is still due in from lets for January.
Douglas stated that some months the Hall makes a loss and that we must keep afloat to cater for the poor months. 50 – 50 Money helps, £500 from Election also came in useful.
Significant item of expenditure ahead will be to replace the Oil Tank, approx. £2000. Perhaps we could hope to raise the cost with Grant money and get money together for that next year.
Changes for use of the Hall – Les reported there hasn’t been any changes in the rent for some time. There are a lot of different brackets for function to fit into.
He proposed an increase of rental charges of 5% across the board.
Executive will meet and discuss Hall fees and talk about it at the next meeting.
We need to run the Hall from the lettings.
Boiler being replaced took a whack out of the funds. We need to get our funds up to a reasonable level to cover access on Insurance. Bills are increasing.
Les asked if anyone had anything to comment.
Anne Fiddes said it sounds reasonable.
Rev. MacKenzie suggested the hall rounds up the figure of increase.
Proposed by Douglas
Seconded by Evie.
Susan asked if the 5% refers to the History room too. Les confirmed yes.
Anne Fiddes suggested the Hall runs an Easter Fair to fundraise. She had information on the last one she would forward to us.
Terms and condition of hiring Strachur Memorial Hall. Alison had passed on to us her draft. Regarding Data Protection, it is not apparent if we are properly registered yet.
Garden Bench. Evie reported the family of Mrs. May Hamilton kindly donated the bench. The garden is looking nice. We have had a donation of £50 from the Masons via Eddie Large, the gent who had made the WW1 100 year anniversary Memorial Plaque. Evie wanted to thank everyone for donations of plants and bulbs etc.
A.O.C.B – none.
Meeting closed at 3.30 p.m.
Date of next Meeting – Sunday, 19th April, 3p.m.