Sunday 3rd October 2021


Present – Les Earle, Chair; Douglas McHugh, Treasurer; Pam Hall, Booking Officer.

Kate Paton, Piping Association; Donna Jones, Knit and Natter; Ann MacLeod, Badminton; Anne Fiddes, SWI, Guild, Quilters; Teresa Hunt-Earle, 50:50; Drew Stewart, Newsletter; Ian Asher, The Hub; Jackie Scott-Mandeville, Country Dancing, SNP; Bill Dickson, Flower Show Committee.


  1. Chair’s welcome. LE opened the meeting with apologies for non-attendance from Fiona Campbell, Secretary; Alison Roy, Youth and Drama.


  1. Quarterly meeting minutes. The minutes of the last quarterly meeting before lockdown were dated 26th January 2020 and are available on the website. It was agreed that the minutes be regarded as accurate.


  1. Matters arising.

    1. It was reported that the plinth and oil tank had now been replaced and grant funding had covered most of the cost. Originally it had been intended to replace just the tank but on inspection it was felt that it was sensible to deal with the plinth while the opportunity was available.

    2. There had been a question as to whether the Hall was registered with the Information Commissioner in relation to Data Protection – yes, it is.


  1. New items.

    1. In the absence of a new executive committee no dates were set for the future meetings.

    2. LE summarised the work being done by the cleaner to maintain safe and clean premises and requested that user groups stick as closely as possible to their advertised booking times to allow the fogging of the premises with minimal risk to users.

    3. An external water tap has now been fitted outside the kitchen. Ian Asher said that the hose pipe now ran outside the fire exit of the New Hall. Later inspection showed that if clipped there was no reason to suspect that it would impede exit.

    4. In the last 18 months there had been five funerals at the Hall and in each case the Executive has been asked if music could be streamed via Bluetooth (no, it couldn’t). A grant had been applied for, and granted, covering about half of an upgraded system and within weeks the both the Memorial Hall and New Hall should have new amplifiers and sound desks capable of utilising Bluetooth, usb, sd and cd players – at present we can only play cassettes.

    5. An offer of a donation toward a wall/ceiling mounted screen and ceiling mounted projector had been made and initial enquiries indicated that this would cost in the region of £500 plus the cost of fitting/wiring. It was pointed out that the projector would need protecting from stray footballs. LE proposed to work on some costings and present them to the next committee meeting for a decision to be made.


  1. Any other competent business.

    1. Ian Asher, the Hub, asked what the Hall’s intentions were in relation to the bio-mass boiler outside: repair or remove? Nobody spoke in favour of repair as the uncertain running and constant care needed placed too great a burden on those charged with its maintenance. Ian went on to say that the location would provide a useful base for the community bus garage having both electricity and water already laid on. A decision was postponed for consideration of the costs involved and for the new executive committee to be appointed.


  1. There being no other business the meeting was closed at 17:30.