Draft, to be agreed on 17th June 2015
Strachur District Community Council
Minutes of General Meeting
Held after the AGM that commenced at 19:30 on Wednesday 15th April 2015, Strachur Memorial Hall
Members present: Archie Reid (Convener), John Fleming (Vice Convenor), Isabel McGladdery (Treasurer), Jean Donaldson, Ceci Alderton, Kirstie Reid, Iain Wilkie and Les Earle (Secretary).
Also in attendance: Cllr Alex McNaughton and two members of the public.
1. Convener’s opening remarks: None other than to open the meeting.
2. Apologies and declarations of interest: PC Eddie McGunnigal.
3. Minutes: Minutes for the meeting held on 18th March 2015 were adopted as accurate.
4. Matters arising:
a. Archie had raised with the Post Office Counters the question of the temporary status of our PO’s opening hours (MSP has also been engaged). No firm answer had been forthcoming and he will persist in pressuring them for an answer.
b. New water main Strathlachlan. Cllr McNaughton has previously announced that after years of complaint and perseverance work to replace the water main at Strathlachlan commenced on 23rd March. Sadly it subsequently stopped as a permit to adopt a 30mph limit had not been acquired – Les was in correspondence with A+B Roads to try and expedite matters.
c. Roadside ditch on Strathlachlan Hall brae. Now that the water main is due for replacement A+B will include this job on their list.
d. Strathlachlan roadsigns. Cllr McNaughton reported that the signs are now in place. Whether they are in the right place is another question. The conclusion of the meeting was that no, the signs were out by thirty metres at each end! Strathlachlan has gained a cottage but lost a bit of bracken.
e. Church wall repairs seem only to have addressed the gate post but not the wall. Now a portion of the wall has collapsed. Cllr McNaughton will continue to pursue officers on this topic.
f. The absence of a pavement in part of the Bay area was raised (eg if you walk from the PO toward the surgery/Creggan’s you have to cross the road away from the direction of travel and then cross the A815 where visibility is limited). Cllr McNaughton said he would look into the situation.
5. Health Report: Heather Grier was not present to give a report but Les was able to say that future minutes of the Patient Participation Group would be appearing on the Strachur.org website.
6. Police report: PC Eddie McGunnigal was not present to give a report as there was an emergency in Dunoon. Kirstie commented that an earlier meeting it was reported that there were problems logging on to the Rural Watch web site in her experience this was possibly still occurring though her personal account was now sorted.
7. Secretary’s report: Having written to A+B Roads on the anniversary of the original concern over the school crossing Les had a disappointing reply that no date had been fixed to move the 40mph or introduce a “driver advisory” flashing sign. These final improvements would have triggered a new traffic survey by the police. The meeting having expressed its disappointment Les wrote to A+B Roads demanding the introduction of a 30mph limit (as supported by PC McGunnigal at an earlier meeting) and was awaiting a reply.
8. Treasurer’s report: The current balance stands at £2406 (a full report was given at the AGM).
9. Transport update: The topic of the missing Saturday, Carrick bus service is to be raised again at the next Transport Forum. The bus company argue the lack of use by residents at Carrick and yet the usage of the Ardentinny or Toward buses at that time of the morning is no greater. The advantage of the Saturday service was that Strachur residents then had a nine o’clock service which was altogether more popular than the eight o’clock replacement which is of little use to families, shoppers or workers.
10. Any other business: Cllr McNaughton reported that road surface improvements were scheduled for the stretch of A815 from Succoth Road and the Timber Yard. In addition a bus shelter and layby were to be constructed on the A886 at Leachd.
14. Date of next meeting: 19:30, Wednesday 17th June 2015 at the Strathlachlan Community Centre.
Les Earle, Secretary, Strachur District Community Council