Strachur & District Community Council
Minutes of Ordinary Meeting
Held 19:30 on Wednesday 16th October 2024
Strachur Heron Hall (New Hall)
Members present: Archie Reid (Convener), Ian Lowe, Lizzie MacDonald, Isabel McGladdery, Steve Mclaughlin, Kirstie Reid and Iain Wilkie (Secretary).
Also in attendance: one member of the public.
1. Convener’s opening remarks.
Archie welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2. Apologies and declarations of interest.
Catherine MacDiarmid and William McGladdery apologised for non-attendance. There were no declarations of interest.
3. Minutes.
Minutes for the Ordinary Meeting held on 14th August 2024 were agreed as accurate.
4. Minutes.
Minutes for the Special Meeting held on 25th September 2024 were agreed as accurate.
5. Matters arising from the last Ordinary Meeting.
a. Strachur road safety.
Iain received the following response from Cllr Blair on 27.8.24:
“I have as Area Chairman at the recent community planning meeting had a discussion with the chief inspector. My argument is that community requests for reduction in speed should, following appropriate consultation, be supported by all partners. The police use the argument that they could not police the bad drivers however they aren’t doing it at whatever speed is on the pole.
I think it’s slowly permeating the Police hierarchy that partnership working is a two way experience.
Also if vehicles drive slower they use less fuel and it’s safer if there is an incident ie fewer deaths ! The bampot drivers exist regardless and that work continues to catch and educate them.
I am at the association of SNP Councillors on 12 September and I will raise our experiences with John Swinney who will be in attendance and is taking questions.
William and I are adamant that we need speeds reduced throughout Cowal but with partnership working and the agreement of local communities.”
Iain would follow this up.
b. Overgrown bushes at A815/A886 junction.
Iain had e-mailed Scottish Water about this on 27.8.24. The bushes had subsequently been cut back.
c. What3words.
Iain had produced articles for Newsletter and Facebook recommending the use of What3words.
d. Speed limit on C56 (“Village Road”).
Iain had urged Argyll & Bute Council to apply a speed limit of 20 mph along the whole length of the C56.
e. Special meeting on Argyll Rally 2025.
The special meeting was held in Strachur Memorial Hall on 25.9.24.
f. Reported to Argyll & Bute Council:
i/ Overgrown footway to Glenbranter bus stop.
This was strimmed on 5.9.24.
ii/ Gravel on various roads.
Iain was informed that “After inspection, no further action is required because: No Fault Found.”
It was agreed that Iain should pursue this further.
iii/ Loose access hatches at old filling station, St. Catherines.
Before this was reported to the Council, traffic cones had been placed on some of the hatches.
iv/ Traffic cones in layby near Poll Schoolhouse.
Iain had e-mailed Mr Nigel Potts (Argyll & Bute Council) about this on 27.8.24. He had received no reply and the traffic cones were still in the layby.
g. Graveyard issues.
i/ Tree at Campbell lair.
This was cut down on 1.10.24.
ii/ Damaged wall and fence.
Fraser Smith (Argyll & Bute Council) had e-mailed the following:
“Today I received a quotation for repairs to the cemetery wall and fence. Unfortunately it’s quite substantial and well out with any local budget. Due to this, I have passed the quote to the Assistant Operations Manager for consideration as the funding, if available would need to be sourced from somewhere else.”
h. Loch Eck flooding.
Cllr Sinclair had e-mailed the following:
“Over the last few months I have been concerned about the amount of water coming on to the A815 in various location at Loch Eck. I have written to the Roads and Amenity services and I will share the response.
This is a priority for all of us and I will continue to press for this to be done before Winter sets in.”
Kirstie had raised this issue at the Cowal Transport Forum and offered to follow it up.
ACTION: Kirstie
h. School lights A815.
Kirstie reported that Argyll & Bute Council had sent the CC proposals for reconfiguring the A815/school road junction, which included moving the 40 mph sign and countdown markers further south, amending the triangular school warning signs, and widening the pavement at the south-west corner. The CC had approved these proposals, which would enable the Council to make an appropriate Traffic Regulation Order.
Steve expressed the view that the Council should be conducting an annual Risk Assessment of the school crossing, and said that he intended to submit a Freedom of Information Request to find out if this had been happening over the past five years.
h. Bus shelter.
Kirstie informed the meeting that the bus shelter had been repaired.
i. Human fouling.
Kirstie had discussed this with Inspector Bart Simonis (Police Scotland) who would pursue options for deterring this behaviour.
6. Police Report (received from PC Alison Simpson by e-mail on 16.10.24).
Between 06/08/2024 and 16/10/2024, the number of Incidents and Crime Reports respectively are 28 and 3.
Many incidents raised for road traffic matters, namely cattle on road causing obstruction, tree blocking road, broken down vehicles and minor road accidents.
There has been 1 crime report raised regarding fraud. Enquiries are ongoing.
There has been 1 crime report raised theft. Enquiries are ongoing.
There has been 1 person reported to the Procurator Fiscal for a Careless Driving Offence.
7. Health Report.
Kirstie had been contacted by various people about the transfer of disability benefits to Social Security Scotland (SSS). The main complaints had been about:
a. The length of time it takes SSS to answer their phone: callers can be ‘on hold’ for up to an hour.
b. The length of time it takes SSS to review applicants’ circumstances, causing a lapse in entitlement to a bus and ferry card (which ask for a 4-week turn-around). Disabled applicants have to provide a letter to say what benefits they receive and the length of time for which these are awarded. The reviews are taking twelve weeks or more, resulting in claimants having a break in their travel card entitlement. Because of this, some can't afford to attend their medical appointments. Travel to a hospital in the Greater Glasgow & Clyde area can cost up to £35.
Kirstie had written about this to Jenni Minto MSP who in turn had written to Shirley-Anne Somerville, the Minister for Social Justice.
Articles for Newsletter and/or Facebook.
Since the last meeting four articles had been submitted. These were on: Argyll Rally 2025 Consultation, CC Information Leaflet, Know Your What3words, and Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund.
The main correspondence (in addition to any mentioned elsewhere) had been with:
a. Argyll & Bute Council re: i/ Argyll Rally 2025
ii/ Potential cemetery sites.
b. Residents re: i/ Argyll Rally 2025
ii/ A815 road surface
iii/ ‘All Things Strachur’ posting
iv/ Manse Gardens.
c. Jenni Minto re: Request for A886 speed survey.
d. Foundation Scotland re: Eredine Wind Farm.
e. Dunoon Observer re: Special Community Council Meeting.
Surveys and consultations.
A response to Mull Car Club’s consultation on proposals for Argyll Rally 2025 had been submitted on 14.9.24.
Other activities.
a. Attended Argyll Rally Community Council Liaison ‘Zoom’ meeting on 10.9.24.
b. Attended a meeting of Community Fund Committee on 19.9.24.
c. Organised Special CC Meeting held on 25.9.24.
d. Updated the Emergency Plan.
e. Booked venues for 2025-26 session.
9. Treasurer’s report.
The bank balance stood at £2,450.05.
10. Transport update (from Kirstie).
a. Ferry meeting with CalMac organised by the Cowal Transport Forum, 5.10.24.
This was organised to try to get CalMac, Scot Rail, and West Coast Motor buses to connect better with each other and align their first day of winter timetables. ‘Option 3a’ was the best for Strachur and was also the preference of the other stakeholders. The connections for this option are shown below:
Strachur to Glasgow
Glasgow to Strachur
*School days only
b. Ferry meeting with Transport Scotland.
This was a lively meeting. TS presented their proposals for the Gourock/Dunoon/Kilcreggan route. They produced a set of figures representing the number of passengers using Western Ferries and CalMac services. However, it was pointed out that the figures showed foot passengers on CalMac ferries but ALL passengers on Western Ferries boats, including those in cars, buses, ambulances, vans etc., which changed the mood of the meeting. TS’s plan is that the ferry will sail from Gourock to Kilcreggan, then Dunoon, back to Kilcreggan, and finally back to Gourock. The ferry will run to 7 p.m. and then there will be a shuttle bus from Dunoon Pier to Western Ferries. Passengers will go on Western Ferries as foot passengers and will then be bused to Gourock Train Station. A questionnaire was handed out to those attending the meeting. Jenni Minto had been approached on this matter and she has written to the Transport Minister. The next joint CC ferry meeting will be in the Queens Hall on 24.10.24.
c. Cowal Transport Forum.
It is planned that a new bus timetable will begin on 21.10.24 with slight changes on a Thursday and Friday afternoon. This will allow for a bus to leave Strachur at 8.15 a.m. on Saturday morning and return at 5.50 p.m. This has taken four years of e-mailing, speaking to Argyll & Bute Council and West Coast Motors, and raising the issue at every Cowal Transport Forum since the withdrawal of the service during COVID. Thanks are due to Neil Stewart of West Coast Motors for making this happen.
Kirstie was congratulated for this achievement by the other attending CC members.
11. AOB.
a. Speed limit.
Ian proposed a way forward regarding the CC’s efforts to get the speed limit on the Strachur sections of the A815 and A886 reduced to 30 mph. There was unanimous agreement that Ian should investigate this further.
b. Second consultation on Argyll Rally 2025.
Iain reported that, following the first consultation on Argyll Rally 2025, Mull Car Club (MCC) had altered some aspects of their proposals and had applied to Motorsport UK for an Event Organising Permit. If granted, this would allow MCC to submit their adapted plans to Argyll & Bute Council. Motorsport UK had asked affected Community Councils for their response to the application. Iain would conduct a consultation on this via notices in the Newsletter, on Facebook, and on the CC noticeboards. Our eventual submission to Motorsport UK would consist of the feedback received during the first consultation, additional points made at the special meeting of the Community Council, and further comments received in response to the second consultation. This approach was approved by the CC.
c. Manse Gardens.
Iain had received the following update from Gordon Barbour (Trust Housing Association):
“Preparatory design work continues to progress well. All surveys are now complete, and a Building Warrant application has been made to Argyll and Bute Council.
A tender for the construction works has also been issued for pricing to our building contractor.
The proposals are now revised to reduce the number of houses on the site from 21 to 16, all of which will be modernised and upgraded to a high standard.”
Iain subsequently mentioned to Mr Barbour that he had heard that THA had had a meeting with Manse Gardens tenants at which they were told they would have to vacate their properties for a period of 13 months and would be offered temporary accommodation. Mr Barbour had replied:
“When we reviewed the project with our preferred contractor we realised that, given the extent of proposed work, the only viable option was a temporary move off site for the remaining residents.
We are currently working closely with each of our customers to discuss options and provide a solution that is right for them. This will include providing a suitable temporary home and other assistance they require, while work is ongoing, and we have let them know the time it's likely to take.
We're hopeful of making a start early in 2025.”
d. Secretary’s intimation.
Iain informed the meeting that he intended to resign from the CC at the AGM in April 2025. He suggested that another CC member should take on the role of Argyll Rally CC representative starting from January 2025, which would give the new incumbent time to find their feet before the critical period in May-June 2025.
12. Date and location of next meeting.
The next meeting would be at 19:30, 11th December 2024 in Strachur Memorial Hall.
Iain Wilkie,
Secretary, Strachur & District Community Council