Strachur Community Council

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting

Held at 19:30 on Wednesday 18th August 2021,

Strathlachlan Community Centre


Members present: Archie Reid (Convener), Ceci Alderton, Isabel McGladdery, Kirstie Reid, Drew Stewart and Iain Wilkie (Secretary).


Also in attendance: Cllr Alan Reid.


1. Convener’s opening remarks.

Archie opened the meeting with a general welcome. He expressed the view, endorsed by all attending, that it was a relief to be able to hold public meetings again.


2. Apologies and declarations of interest.

PS Donald MacIver, Jeff Wilson and Bob Darracott apologised for non-attendance. There were no declarations of interest.


3. Minutes.

Minutes for the AGM held on 17th April 2019 were agreed as accurate.


4. Matters arising.

There were no matters arising.


5. Secretary’s report.

In the last two sessions (2019-20 and 2020-21) the Secretary had been active in five areas: correspondence, articles, consultations, outside groups and activities, and public engagement. The following is a summary.

Correspondence (main issues)

Speed limit on A815 and A886 through Strachur; Creag Dhubh wind farm proposal; twinning proposal from Sournia, France; Manse Gardens; retention of public payphones; Variable Message Sign and new road signs at A815/A886 junction; Strachur Voluntary Fire & Rescue Service (recruitment and temporary closure of Strachur Fire Station); Scottish Water issues; antisocial behaviour at St. Catherines; housing development opposite Post Office; Argyll Rally 2021.

Articles in the Newsletter

Eighty seven articles were produced, 34 of which referred to surveys or consultations.

Surveys and consultations responded to by the Community Council

Responses to 30 surveys and consultations were submitted. Details of these can be found in the Interim Reports for 11.3.20-29.10.20 and 30.10.20-9.4.21, and in the Minutes of the Ordinary Community Council meeting of 18.8.21.

Outside Groups/Activities

Attended: Cowal OOH Review Group (final meeting on 1.5.19); Hall Committee; Strachur & District Community Fund Committee; meeting on Castle Lachlan Estate NWC; meeting at site of Lephindrissach school; various meetings concerning Manse Gardens; formal handover of Community Bus; Argyll Rally 2021 meetings; meeting on A83 route options.

Distributed 40mph stickers for 'Go Wheelie Slow' campaign.

Updated the Strachur & District Emergency Plan.

Submitted application for SSEN Resilient Communities Fund grant (£1,550) to enable Medical Practice to buy PPE.

Purchased and installed replacement 'No overnight parking' sign at Post Office.

Delivered preliminary letters and information packs on Argyll Rally 2021 to properties beside 'closed' section of B8000.

Public Engagement

Organised and chaired Special CC meeting on the Sournia twinning proposal.


Iain thanked all CCllrs and Cllr Alan Reid for their help during the year, as well as Drew Stewart for including CC articles in the Newsletter and Les Earle for posting Facebook versions the articles.


6. Convener’s report.

Archie stated that the last 18 months had been very challenging for Strachur. It would be a while before we found out the final toll of residents had died due to COVID-19 or had been ill and recovered. The whole community had pulled together during the pandemic and the CC once again thanked all volunteers who had helped out.


All had been saddened to hear of Evie Campbell's death on 15th August. Evie had given outstanding service to the Strachur area during her 30 years as District Nurse. She was also the last Registrar in the village.


Archie also observed that COVID restrictions had meant that there had been no proper consultation about proposed bus service cuts.


7. Treasurer’s report.

The annual accounts were presented to the meeting (see page 4) and accepted.

The bank balance as at 31.3.21 was £2,267.15 with the excess of income over expenditure for 2020-21 being £283.30.

Ian Asher was thanked for auditing the accounts.


8. Election of Community Councillors to posts on the Council.

The following were installed: Archie Reid (Convener), Drew Stewart (Vice-Convener), Isabel McGladdery (Treasurer), Iain Wilkie (Secretary), Kirstie Reid (Health Representative), Ceci Alderton (National Park Representative).


9. The following programme of meetings was proposed and accepted:

13th October 2021, Strachur Memorial Hall

15th December 2021, Strachur Memorial Hall

12th January 2022, Strachur Memorial Hall

16th March 2022, Strathlachlan Community Centre

13th April 2022, AGM, Strachur Memorial Hall

(Reference to the Strachur Memorial Hall includes the New Hall.)


10. AOB:

It was proposed that the name of the CC should be changed to 'Strachur & District Community Council', to reflect more accurately the area for which the CC is responsible (which extends from St. Catherines to Largiemore on East Lochfyneside and inland to the Ardentinny road). This was agreed unanimously and a request will be made accordingly to Argyll & Bute Council.



11. Archie declared the meeting closed at 20:00. There followed an Ordinary Meeting of

the CC.


Iain Wilkie

Secretary, Strachur Community Council
