Draft, to be agreed at the AGM 12th April 2017

Strachur District Community Council
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
Held at 19:30 on Wednesday 13th April 2016, Strachur Memorial Hall


1. Members present: Archie Reid (Convener), John Fleming (Vice Convener), Isabel McGladdery (Treasurer), Iain Wilkie and Les Earle (Secretary).

Also in attendance: Cllr Alex McNaughton, Ian Asher from the PPG and one member of the public.


2. Apologies: Kirstie Reid, Heather Grier (PPG).


3. Declarations of interest: None.


4. Minutes: Minutes for the Annual General Meeting held on 15th April 2015 agreed as accurate.


5. Matters arising: There were no matters arising.


6. Secretary’s report:

During the last year Les reported that he had been active in five areas.


School crossing (the continuing saga)

Articles in the newsletter

Notice of the new Community Council plus meetings, Remembrance Day, Planned road closure, Armed Forces Day, Interloch Transport, CC by-election, Cowal Way, Thanks to Jean Donaldson, Rural watch, Police recruitment, Dog fouling, Phone scams, Third sector grants, Coire Ealt hydro scheme Community Benefit


More than any year in the past the CC has had to keep the local residents informed of a large number of consultations: Local Development Plan, Lephinmore (West, East and Forest), Local Gov’t Boundary Commission, Floating pier Ardcastle, Planning, Local housing strategy, Argyll Ferries, A+B Budget, Community Empowerment Act, National Park consultation, Firth of Clyde Regulating Order.

Facebook – Strachur District Community

Articles on all of the above and more

Outside Groups

Memorial Hall Users’ Group

Les thanked his colleagues for their help and support – particularly with his pronunciation.


7. Convener’s report:

Archie thanked Community Councillors for their hard work over the last year and Cllr McNaughton for the continued support he gives to the CC. Archie felt that the CC was, when compared to other Councils locally, stronger than it had been in years.

Les got a special mention for his work as Secretary.

Isabel was thanked for her work as Treasurer – never an easy job. Ian Asher (present at the meeting) was also thanked for his audit of the accounts.

The continuing saga of traffic speed and A+B’s reluctance to impose a 30mph limit in the (particularly at the school crossing) is a strain for everyone. Nobody walking on the pavements on the A815 can feel secure as log-lorries pass – least of all when escorting a child. Cllr McNaughton was particularly commended for his continued involvement in this struggle (latest position outlined in the ordinary meeting to follow).

Thanks were given to the members of the public who had attended in the year with particular reference to Iain Macgregor and the work he did in organising the Invasive Species Group.

Archie outlined work he had done on outside bodies like the Transport Forum, CC Caucus and Community Partnership and thanked Les and Iain Wilkie for their input to other bodies.


8. Treasurer’s report:

The annual accounts were presented to the meeting and accepted.

The bank balance as at 31/3/16 was £2,413.23 with the excess of income over expenditure for the year of £6.85.

There were no extraordinary items of expenditure in the year of note but the Treasurer did assist the local Invasive Species Group by acting as an intermediary in clearing their grant of £722.

Isabel gave her thanks to Ian Asher who audited the accounts.


9. Election of Community Councillors to posts on the Council:

The following were installed - Archie Reid (Convener), John Fleming (Vice Convener), Isabel McGladdery (Treasurer) and Les Earle (Secretary).


10. The following programme of ordinary meetings was proposed and accepted:

8th June 2016, 19:30, Strathlachlan Community Centre

17th August 2016, 19:30, Strathlachlan Community Centre

19th October 2016, 19:30, Strachur Memorial Hall

14th December 2016, 19:30, Strachur Memorial Hall

18th January 2017, 19:30, Strachur Memorial Hall

15th March 2017, 19:30, Strachur Memorial Hall

12th April 2017, 19:30, (including AGM) Strachur Memorial Hall

(Reference to the Strachur Memorial Hall includes the New Hall.)

11. Archie declared the meeting closed at 19:50. There followed an Ordinary Meeting of the CC.


Les Earle, Secretary, Strachur District Community Council