Strachur & District Community Council
The Community Councillors are:
Archie Reid: Convener
Kirstie Reid: Vice-Convener
Isabel McGladdery: Treasurer
Iain Wilkie: Secretary
Ian Lowe: Community Councillor
Catherine MacDiarmid: Community Councillor
Lizzie MacDonald: Community Councillor
William McGladdery: Community Councillor
Steve Mclaughlin: Community Councillor
Community Council meetings 2024-25 at 19.30 hours:
12th June 2024, Strachur Memorial Hall
14th August 2024, Strathlachlan Community Centre
16th October 2024, Strachur Heron Hall
11th December 2024, Strachur Memorial Hall
15th January 2025, Strachur Heron Hall
12th March 2025, Strathlachlan Community Centre
16th April 2025, AGM, Strachur Heron Hall
To quote the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, the purpose of the Community Council is to “ascertain, co-ordinate and express to the local authorities …. the views of the community …. and take such action in the interests of that community as appears to it to be expedient and practicable.” So if you have a view or feel it expedient that something should be done, please get in touch. All meetings are open to the public. If you have any items you wish to be considered please contact me:
Iain Wilkie, Secretary to Strachur & District Community Council, Craigeniver, Strachur PA27 8BX, tel. 01369 860165, email: