Strachur & District Community Council
Minutes of Ordinary Meeting
Held 19:30 on Wednesday 14th August 2024
Strathlachlan Community Centre
Members present: Archie Reid (Convener), Lizzie MacDonald, Isabel McGladdery, William McGladdery, Kirstie Reid and Iain Wilkie (Secretary).
Also in attendance: Cammy MacDonald (Strachur & District Community Development Company) and seven members of the public.
1. Convener’s opening remarks.
Archie welcomed everyone to the meeting. Archie explained that he intended to step down as Convener at the end of this session in 2025 mainly because he was tired of dealing with Argyll & Bute Council, which had not been open and honest with the Community Council on a number of long-standing issues.
2. Apologies and declarations of interest.
Ian Lowe, Catherine McDiarmid and Steve Mclaughlin apologised for non-attendance. There were no declarations of interest.
3. Minutes.
Minutes for the Ordinary Meeting held on 12th June 2024 were agreed as accurate.
4. Matters arising.
a. Strachur road safety.
In the light of the following statement included in an e-mail from Cllr Blair received on 12.6.24 -
“The reason I alert you to this is that I would be intending to have the October business day specifically looking at our rural villages in regard to Roads and Amenity issues, bin collections etc in addition to bus timetables and related issues for that department.” – on 27.6.24 Iain had sent Cllr Blair the letter on Strachur road safety (see Appendix 1) originally prepared at the request of Cllr Sinclair, which was sent to Cllr Sinclair on 28.8.23 and appeared to have been ignored. Iain had still to receive an acknowledgement or other response from Cllr Blair.
b. Road markings between school road and A886 junction.
Iain had reported faded junction and centre line markings on 27.6.24 and received the following response from Roads and Infrastructure Services on the same date:
“… this is already on our lining schedule that we are working through. Weather dependant this will be completed in the near future.”
c. Overgrown bushes at A815/A886 junction.
Iain had e-mailed Scottish Water about this on 27.6.24 and had sent a reminder on 7.8.24. The following response had been received on 9.8.24:
“I have forwarded this to our team and have asked them to advise when the works will be taking place.”
Iain would follow this up.
d. Defibrillator.
At the previous meeting it had been agreed that funding would be sought to buy a defibrillator for the Sports Pavilion. This had been overtaken by events, as a mobile defibrillator had been donated subsequently to Strachur & District Shinty Club by Freemasons from the Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Glasgow. This would also benefit the wider community, as reported via ‘All Thing Strachur’ on 4.8.24.
A member of the public informed the meeting that another defibrillator would be donated to the community. No further details could be divulged at this time.
e. Manse Gardens update.
Iain had received the following on 13.8.24 from Ian Davie, Trust Housing Association:
“We have been completing site surveys and advancing our technical designs since you last requested an update.
Last week, after a prolonged delay due to the particularly wet July we have all faced, we manged to complete the last of our ecological surveys on site and are this month working towards submitting our Building Warrant application to Argyll & Bute Council for the proposed redevelopment works.
We hope to provide further positive project updates to both our customers, and the Community Council in the months ahead.”
f. Emergency Services finding properties.
Information provided by a resident and by Kirstie’s contacts in the Ambulance Service had indicated that it would be helpful if all residents knew the “What3words” combination that described their location and kept this close to their phone in case of an emergency. After discussion, it was agreed that the CC should produce an article for the Newsletter and Facebook giving this advice and explaining how residents could find out their What3words combination.
g. CC information leaflet.
Iain reported that he had used a leaflet distribution company to deliver the CC leaflets via Royal Mail to all addresses (724 according to the company) in the PA27 postcode district (started 12.8.24). Regarding around 60 addresses in our area of responsibility that were outwith PA27, he had posted leaflets to Evanachan and Largiemore fish farm, and hand-delivered leaflets to properties on Loch Eckside from Cambusdhu to Whistlefield Cottage, and north of Strachur from Hazelbank to St. Catherines Caravan Park.
h. C56 speed limit.
Iain had sent a letter to Jim Smith (Head of Roads & Infrastructure Services, Argyll & Bute Council) on 4.7.24 requesting that the speed limit on the C56 (Clachan Brae etc.) be reduced to 20 mph. A reply received on 25.7.24 included the following:
“As you may be aware, the Council has carried out an assessment of its existing 30 and 20 mph speed restrictions, in-line with the Scottish Governments guidance. As part of the review, part of the C56 was identified as being one of the routes that would benefit from a 20mph speed limit being introduced… I would advise, however, that this was only an initial “desktop” assessment and there may be further amendments prior to moving forward with any new limits. It may make sense, for example, to extent the 20mph throughout the residential area.
The Scottish Governments national aspiration is for the proposed to 20mph limits to be in place by the end of 2025, even if under temporary orders. Council Officers are developing a potential programme and delivery model, but any proposal will be subject to Council approval. At this time, I am unable to provide a defined timescale to you but can advise that, on the basis set out above, the route is being considered for an amended speed restriction.”
Iain pointed out that the part of the C56 referred to above was only the short section from the church to the entrance to Clachan Beag, although the response recognised that “it may make sense” to extend the 20 mph along the whole of the C56 from the A815 junction at the Hall to the A815 junction near the bus shelter. It was agreed that Argyll & Bute Council should be encouraged to pursue the latter option.
i. School lights A815.
This issue has been ongoing since the CC first reported the lights as being faulty in September 2021. Kirstie summarised recent correspondence with Local Councillors, Roads & Infrastructure Services, and other Argyll & Bute Council (ABC) officials. ABC had repeatedly assured the CC that the lights would be replaced, but in an article in the Dunoon Observer of 9.8.24 an ABC spokesperson had stated that this would not be possible due to budget cuts. A more detailed explanation had been received from Jim Smith (ABC Head of Roads & Infrastructure Services) on 9.8.24 (see Appendix 2). The CC was unanimous in finding this totally unacceptable. Kirstie would bring this up at the next Bute & Cowal Area Committee meeting on 3.9.24.
ACTION: Kirstie
j. Bus shelter.
Kirstie informed the meeting that the Strachur shelter would not be repaired until a new shelter had been installed in Inellan. These jobs were being done by an external contractor and were combined to ensure cost-effectiveness and best value for Argyll & Bute Council. A start date had still to be confirmed. Kirstie would keep an eye on this.
ACTION: Kirstie
5. Police Report (received from PC James Convery by e-mail on 6.8.24).
Between 03/06/2024 and 06/08/2024, the number of Incidents and Crime Reports respectively are 18 and 4.
The incidents reported as follows;
Issues with Cyclist
Suspect Persons
False Call
Neighbour Dispute (x4)
Road Blockage
Road Traffic Collision
Intruder Alarm
Police Information
Dangerous Driving
Theft of Fuel
Loose Dog
Road Blockage (x2)
Cow on Road.
There has been 1 crime report raised regarding theft of fuel from the filling station. Enquiries are ongoing.
There has been 1 crime report raised regarding assault which saw 1 person arrested and held custody for court on the next lawful day.
There have been 2 crime reports raised re public protection matters, failing to comply with Police undertaking conditions and abusive behaviour, both of which are related and saw 1 person arrested and held custody for court on the next lawful day.
6. Health Report.
Kirstie said there was nothing to report.
7. Secretary’s Report.
Articles for Newsletter and/or Facebook.
Since the last meeting three articles had been submitted. These were on: Argyll Rally 2024 Feedback, Letters Forest Consultation, and SSEN Powering Communities to Net Zero Fund.
The main correspondence (in addition to any mentioned elsewhere) had been with:
a. Argyll & Bute Council re: i/ tree in graveyard.
ii/ vegetation adjacent to A886.
b. Residents re: i/ Argyll Rally 2024.
ii/ Letters Forest LTFP Scoping.
c. Dunoon Observer re: i/ school lights A815.
ii/ Strachur Parish Church.
Surveys and consultations.
A response had been submitted to the following consultation:
a. Letters Forest LTFP scoping.
Other activities.
a. Attended Argyll Rally Community Council Liaison ‘Zoom’ meetings on 17.6.24 and 22.7.24.
b. Acted as Argyll Rally 2024 Liaison Officer for Loch Fyne stages, 21+22.6.24.
c. Requested residents’ feedback on Argyll Rally 2024 via Facebook and targeted e-mails.
d. Organised distribution of CC information leaflets (see item 4g above).
8. Treasurer’s report.
The bank balance stood at £2,638.16.
9. Transport update.
a. Buses.
Kirstie said that she was working with West Coast Motors to find a solution to restoring the 8 a.m. bus to Dunoon and the 5.50 p.m. return on a Saturday that will hopefully be acceptable to Argyll & Bute Council. She would also be asking about this at the next Bute & Cowal Area Committee meeting in September.
10. National Park Update.
None received.
11. Argyll Rally and B8000
A group of residents from the south end of the B8000 expressed their concerns about the use of this section of the B8000 as a closed stage during Argyll Rally events, particularly because there was no alternative route by which they could access or leave their properties and because of the negative effect on local businesses at a critical time of the year. The meeting was informed that an overwhelming majority of people living adjacent to the B8000 opposed its use as a closed stage, but that Argyll & Bute Council had refused to have a meeting with them. A Strachur resident objected to the noise disturbance caused by cars returning along the A886 after completing the Loch Fyne stage. After discussion it was agreed that the CC would try to arrange an open meeting between Argyll & Bute Council officials and concerned residents.
12. AOB.
a. Human fouling.
It was reported that there had been a recent increase in the frequency of cases of human defecation in public places, including the bus shelter, Heron Park, and the sewage works. As this was an environmental health matter, Kirstie was trying to get Argyll & Bute Council to take responsibility for cleaning up. She was also seeking advice from Police Scotland who so far had only proposed extra patrols in the area. It was agreed that a Neighbourhood Watch sign should be installed opposite the bus shelter. See item 4c above regarding the sewage works.
b. Various issues to be reported to Argyll & Bute Council.
i/ Overgrown footway at Glenbranter bus stop.
ii/ Gravel on various roads (old road to Glenbranter, road at Glenbranter village, B8000 from Leanach road end to Otter Ferry).
iii/ Man-hole covers at old filling station, Old Ferry Inn.
iv/ Traffic cones in layby near Poll Schoolhouse.
c. Demolition of Old Ferry Inn.
Iain reminded the meeting that the planning application to demolish the Old Ferry Inn had been approved and noted that one of the conditions in the Delegated Planning Application Report (Ref. No. 23/00440/LIB) was that, prior to the demolition, an interpretation panel explaining the history of the site had to be approved by the planning authority. Thereafter, a suitable siting location would have to be selected “in consultation with the community council” and planning permission applied for.
d. Local Place Plan.
Iain informed the meeting that Argyll & Bute Council had sent Community Councils an invitation to prepare a Local Place Plan to be submitted by the end of June 2025.
14. Date and location of next meeting.
The next meeting would be at 19:30, 16th October 2024 in Strachur New Hall.
Iain Wilkie,
Secretary, Strachur & District Community Council
Convener: Archie Reid, 3 Forest View, Strachur, Argyll PA27 8DQ, E-mail
Secretary: Iain Wilkie, Craigeniver, Strachur, Argyll PA27 8BX, E-mail
Councillor William Sinclair
Argyll & Bute Council
Dear Councillor Sinclair,
Re: Road safety on the A815 and A886 through Strachur
At the end of a long discussion about speeding, speed limits and other road-related issues at the meeting of Strachur & District Community Council on 16th August, you invited the Community Council to send you a letter summarising the changes that we believe are urgently needed in order to improve road safety in Strachur.
The detailed case for improving road safety in Strachur has been made over at least the past nine years in voluminous correspondence with Argyll & Bute Council and is not repeated below. However, you will get a flavour of it in the documents numbered 1 to 3 which accompany this letter.
The following are the main measures that we believe should be implemented urgently in order to improve road safety in Strachur:
1. Reduction of the speed limit from 40 mph to 30 mph on the A815 and A886 through Strachur.
40 mph is too fast for the configuration of these roads (especially the single-track stretch of the A886) and is exposing both pedestrians and drivers to avoidable risk.
2. Reduction of the speed limit to 20 mph for HGVs on the single-track section of the A886.
Due to the proximity of vehicles to the pavement and pedestrians on the single-track section of the A886, even 30 mph is too fast for HGVs, particularly timber lorries.
3. Reduction of the speed limit to 20 mph on the A815 on either side of the crossing point at the school road junction around school start and finish times, Monday to Friday.
There is already a variable 20 mph speed limit zone on the school road. However, a variable 20 mph speed limit zone is urgently needed on the A815 since, due to the bend in the A815, vehicles approaching from the south have inadequate warning of pedestrians using the crossing.
Continued on next page…
4. On the A815 at the south side of Strachur, extension of the reduced speed limit zone further south to provide an adequate gap between the start of the zone and (1) the Succoth road junction, (2) the school road junction and (3) the school crossing point.
As stated above, due to the bend in the A815, vehicles approaching from the south have inadequate warning of pedestrians using the crossing and drivers exiting the school road or Succoth road onto the A815.
5. Extension of the reduced speed limit zone on A886 to ‘Springburn’.
This is desirable because of the number of new houses that have been built recently or are currently under construction between Letters Way and ‘Springburn’.
From your attendance at Strachur & District Community Council meetings, you will be well aware of the strength of feeling there is in the Strachur community regarding road safety. We hope you will do all in your power to promote our case and ensure that these suggestions are given serious consideration by Argyll & Bute Council.
Yours sincerely,
Iain Wilkie
Secretary, Strachur & District Community Council
From: Smith, Jim
Sent: Aug 9, 2024 at 3:48 PM
Subject: RE: Strachur school Lights [OFFICIAL]
Classification: OFFICIAL
Dear Kirstie
Following your email to the Chief Executive which has been passed to me for a response, I can advise as follows:
· We acknowledge that there has been confusion around communications and apologise for this. The updates provided were accurate and correct based on the information available at the time, however, as with many infrastructure projects, things regularly change and evolve.
· Historically Strachur had a School Crossing Patroller (SCP) on the A815 main road to Dunoon. For a number of years recruiting to this post has proved problematic and during the 2023 Budget process a policy decision was made to remove any SCP posts vacant for over a year as a saving. This included the Strachur post.
· There has been some confusion around this matter as there are two different signs. The ‘School’ signs on the side road directly next to the school (see photo 1) and on the A815 ‘Patrol’ signs are in place (see photo2).
· The School signs on the side road directly next to the school have recently been repaired and are reported to be fully functional.
· We have tried to resolve the issues with the Patrol sign lights on the A815 itself for some time and have encountered numerous issues meaning that repairs are not possible. Recent quotes have been in the region of £30,000 to replace the sign lighting which includes associated cable works, excavations and civils works.
· As the faulty lights warn of a school crossing patrol which is no longer in place, we are looking to adapt the current signage to make it more meaningful and relevant. This will include amending the text from ‘Patrol’ (because this no longer exists) to ‘School’. This change can be implemented quickly and will alert drivers to the crossing point.
· We are also proposing to install some other measures to highlight the uncontrolled crossing point, these being funded by the Road Safety grant. Options include countdown signs, rumble strips and potential road narrowing nibs. We’ll need to measure the site and draw up a design. Ultimately this will be a better and more cost effective solution and will enhance safety for everyone crossing at this location. However this piece of work will take longer to implement.
· Once the designs for the longer term solutions have been drafted for discussion, we intend to meet with the Community Council to go through these. We hope to do be able to this no later than the end of September and we will be in touch soon to arrange a suitbale date.
· Over the years, several traffic speed surveys have been carried out and the average speed recorded is below 40mph and traffic volumes are relatively low. There are no recorded incidents at this location over the last five years (this is the typical reference period for assessing crash pictures).
I trust the above provides a helpful update on this matter.
Kind regards
Jim Smith
Head of Roads and Infrastructure Services,
Argyll & Bute Council
Tel: 01546 60 (4324)