Strachur Community Council

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting

Held at 19:30 on Wednesday 27th April 2022,

Strachur Memorial Hall


Members present: Archie Reid (Convener), Isabel McGladdery, Kirstie Reid, Drew Stewart

and Iain Wilkie (Secretary).


Also in attendance: Bill Dickson (Strachur & District Community Development Company), Bob Darracott (representative for Ward 1 on the Board of the National Park) and four members of the public.



1. Convener’s opening remarks.

Archie opened the meeting with a general welcome.


2. Apologies and declarations of interest.

Cllr Alan Reid apologised for non-attendance. There were no declarations of interest.


3. Minutes.

Minutes for the AGM held on 18th August 2022 were agreed as accurate.


4. Matters arising.

a. Proposal to change the name of the Community Council to ‘Strachur & District Community Council’.

On 8th September 2021 Iain asked Melissa Stewart (Governance Officer, Argyll & Bute Council) about the procedure for changing the name. Melissa advised that the proposal could be dealt with at the same time as the consultation on the Scheme [for the Establishment of Community Councils], which would take place in 2022. This consultation closed on 22nd April and Iain reminded Melissa of the name-change request on 27th April.


Melissa had also advised that we should seek the views of the community on the proposal to change the name. Residents’ views were accordingly sought via Facebook and the October 2021 Newsletter. As no responses were received, there appeared to be no opposition to the proposal.


5. Secretary’s report.

Since the last AGM the Secretary had been active in four areas: correspondence, articles, consultations, and outside groups and activities. The following is a summary.


Correspondence (main issues)

Argyll Rally 2022; Big Lottery Community Fund application; ‘Birlinn Brae’; Collective Leadership Model; Queen’s Platinum Jubilee; A815 and A886 – various issues, including speed limit, condition of roads and pavements, white- lining, drains, and lights at school crossing.


Articles in the Newsletter

Twenty-eight articles were produced, 12 of which referred to surveys or consultations.


Surveys and consultations responded to by the Community Council

Responses to 11 surveys and consultations were submitted.


Outside Groups/Activities

Attended: two Strachur & District Community Fund Committee meetings; seven Argyll Rally 2022 Community Council Engagement meetings (via ‘Zoom’); ‘Zoom’ webinar on Pre-application Consultations on Crarae and An Suidhe Substations etc.; ‘Teams’ meeting on Collective Leadership Model.


Updated the Strachur & District Emergency Plan. This update was needed because of the change in the Hall Committee membership.


Delivered preliminary letters on Argyll Rally 2022 to properties beside route of Loch Fyne stage.


Iain thanked his fellow Community Councillors and Cllr Alan Reid for their help during the year, as well as Drew Stewart for including CC articles in the Newsletter and Les Earle for posting Facebook versions the articles.


6. Convener’s report.

Archie stated that it had been a strange year, with COVID-19 causing the loss of a number of neighbours and friends throughout the village and wider area.


The Community Council has continued to campaign on a number of issues, including speed limits and bus services, against a background of Argyll & Bute Council struggling to maintain services in the face of government funding constraints.


The Community Council currently has six elected members (and a newly co-opted member), though we are entitled to ten. It would be dreadful if we were to lose our Community Council due to a lack of interest: Strachur and district would be worse off without there being a voice to fight for what we need as a community.


Archie looked forward to the upcoming year and wished everyone to stay safe. He encouraged residents to get in touch with a Community Councillor if they had any concerns.


7. Treasurer’s report.

The annual accounts were presented to the meeting (see page 4) and accepted.

The bank balance as at 31.3.22 was £2,503.27 with the excess of income over expenditure for 2021-22 being £236.12.

Ian Asher was thanked for auditing the accounts.


8. Election of Community Councillors to posts on the Council.

The following were installed: Archie Reid (Convener), Drew Stewart (Vice-Convener), Isabel McGladdery (Treasurer), Iain Wilkie (Secretary), Kirstie Reid (Health Representative), Ceci Alderton (National Park Representative).


9. The following programme of meetings was proposed and accepted:

15th June 2022, Strachur Memorial Hall

17th August 2022 Strathlachlan Community Centre

12th October 2022, Strachur Memorial Hall

14th December 2022, Strachur Memorial Hall

11th January 2023, Strachur Memorial Hall

15th March 2023, Strathlachlan Community Centre

12th April 2023, AGM, Strachur Memorial Hall

(Reference to the Strachur Memorial Hall includes the New Hall.)


10. AOB:

There was none.


11. Archie declared the meeting closed at 20:00. There followed an Ordinary Meeting of

the CC.


Iain Wilkie

Secretary, Strachur Community Council