Strachur & District Community Council

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting

Held at 19:30 on Wednesday 17th April 2024,

Strachur New Hall


Members present: Archie Reid (Convener), William McGladdery, Steve

Mclaughlin, Kirstie Reid and Iain Wilkie (Secretary).


Also in attendance: Cammy MacDonald (Strachur & District Community Development Company) and four members of the public.


1. Convener’s opening remarks.

Archie welcomed everyone to the meeting.


2. Apologies and declarations of interest.

Cllr William Sinclair, Lizzie MacDonald and Isabel McGladdery apologised for non-attendance. There were no declarations of interest.


3. Minutes.

Minutes for the AGM held on 12th April 2023 were agreed as accurate.


4. Matters arising.

There were none.


5. Secretary’s report.

Since the last AGM the Secretary had been active in four areas: correspondence, articles, consultations, and outside groups and activities. The following is a summary.


Correspondence (main issues)

A815 and A886 road safety; faulty School Crossing lights; Argyll Rally 2023 and 2024; feral pigs.


Articles for the Newsletter and/or Facebook

Thirty-four articles were produced, 15 of which referred to surveys or consultations.


Surveys and consultations responded to by the Community Council

Responses to four surveys and consultations were submitted.


Outside Groups/Activities

Attended: a. six Argyll Rally Community Council Liaison meetings (via ‘Zoom’).

b. Eredine Wind Farm online workshop.

c. ‘An Càrr Dubh’ wind farm exhibition in Memorial Hall.

d. ‘Teams’ meeting on Local Place Plans.


Updated the Strachur & District Emergency Plan.


Delivered Argyll Rally 2023 Residents Information booklets and preliminary letters on Argyll Rally 2024 to properties beside route of Loch Fyne stage.


On call as Resident Liaison Officer for Argyll Rally 2023.


Iain thanked his fellow Community Councillors and Cllr Sinclair for their help during the year, as well as Drew Stewart for including CC articles in the Newsletter and William McGladdery for posting Facebook versions of the articles.


6. Convener’s report.

The past year has been harder for all on the CC as we were down to the bare bones with people not willing to join and resulting in a bit more work being passed out amongst the members. Luckily enough we are thankful to be back up to nine members as a result of the recent by-election. Hopefully this will be my last year as the Convener as I have been doing the job for a number of years and feel it is time to bring in some new blood. I have to thank our secretary Iain Wilkie for his excellent work he has carried out over the years, and Isabel McGladdery for her work as treasurer, which she also has done for a number of years, and, last but not least, Kirstie Reid firstly for being our Health representative, which is helped by her position on the Integrated Joint Board of Argyll & Bute Health & Social care Partnership, and secondly for her keeping up to date with what is going on with carers through Crossroads. It was sad that we lost one of the older members of the community – Dot Brown - who served the CC for a number of years. Thanks to all.

7. Treasurer’s report.

The annual accounts were presented to the meeting (see page 4) and accepted.

The bank balance as at 16.4.24 was £2,328.35 with the excess of expenditure over income for 2023-24 being £225.09.

Lindsay Walker was thanked for auditing the accounts.


8. Election of Community Councillors to posts on the Council.

The following were installed: Archie Reid (Convener), Kirstie Reid (Vice-Convener and Health Representative), Isabel McGladdery (Treasurer), Iain Wilkie (Secretary).


9. The following programme of meetings was proposed and accepted:

12th June 2024, Strachur Memorial Hall

14th August 2024, Strathlachlan Community Centre

16th October 2024, Strachur New Hall

11th December 2024, Strachur Memorial Hall

15th January 2025, Strachur New Hall

12th March 2025, Strathlachlan Community Centre

16th April 2025, AGM, Strachur New Hall


10. AOB:

There was none.


11. Archie declared the meeting closed at 19:45. There followed an Ordinary Meeting of

the CC.


Iain Wilkie

Secretary, Strachur & District Community Council