Sunday 3rd October 2021, 4:00pm
Present – Les Earle, Chair; Douglas McHugh, Treasurer; Pam Hall, Booking Officer.
Kate Paton, Piping Association; Donna Jones, Knit and Natter; Ann MacLeod, Badminton; Anne Fiddes, SWI, Guild, Quilters; Teresa Hunt-Earle, 50:50; Drew Stewart, Newsletter; Ian Asher, The Hub; Jackie Scott-Mandeville, Country Dancing, SNP; Bill Dickson, Flower Show Committee.
Chair’s welcome. LE opened the meeting with apologies for non-attendance from Fiona Campbell, Secretary; Alison Roy, Youth and Drama.
The minutes for the previous AGM had been approved at the quarterly meeting held on 26th January 2020, the last meeting before lockdown. There were no matters arising.
Chair’s report. LE individually thanked his colleagues on the executive committee and spoke of the contribution made by Evie Campbell over the years as Booking Officer, an inspiration to all hoping to serve the community.
Katie Ferguson was thanked for interpreting her cleaning responsibilities flexibly to ensure a proper level of cleanliness with minimal disruption to users in these difficult times.
A debt of gratitude is owed to Drew Stewart and Teresa Hunt-Earle respectively for the production of the Newsletter and the organising of the 50:50 fund-raiser. Between them they contributed approximately £3,300 to Hall funds – essential when booking fees ran at barely £2,000.
The user groups and particularly their representatives were thanked for the contribution that they made to the community, making Strachur a great place to live.
Having been in post for two years LE reviewed the hopes he had when starting in the position. The ambition of rebuilding the Hall’s reserves has been met, though the hope to update the constitution and legal status remains a challenge for the next committee. The modernising of the Hall’s sound system is in hand and a grant has been obtained to help defray the cost.
The two years have been dominated by covid-19, which has put the Hall to expense and stretched the patience of those trying to keep on top of ever shifting regulations. Meanwhile lettings income was significantly reduced.
Treasurer’s report. The Financial Accounts for the year ended 30th June 2021 were distributed and DMcH drew attention to significant items after thanking Heather Grier for fulfilling the role of Independent Examiner at no cost to the Hall.
The negative figure of £201 appearing in Repairs related to a disputed fire alarm bill which had been challenged and now needed to be written off.
Refuse collection, recorded at £0, had now recommenced and would appear in future accounts.
Licences and insurance had to be maintained even though the Hall was effectively closed for normal activity in the year.
The low figures for electricity and fuel oil reflect the fact that the Hall was closed and settings reduced to minimise cost.
Compared with the previous year, which was itself impacted by Covid-19, the lettings figures were much reduced.
Reserves at 30th June 2021 stood at £8,686 General Fund and £24,254 Fabric Fund and the Hall is in a sound position financially.
Other reports. Teresa Hunt-Earle took the opportunity to express thanks to all the collectors involved in the 50:50 club. The year 2020/21 had broken previous records with over £2,200 raised for the Hall.
Drew Stewart expressed thanks to the contributors who had kept the Newsletter lively and worth reading when news was at its most sparse. The subscribers were also thanked for making production worthwhile.
A change to the current printer being used now made it possible to use less expensive, non-proprietary ink. In addition, a new (second hand) printer has been offered to the Hall and all that is required is the making of transport arrangements.
Election of executive officers. Other than Pam Hall (Bookings Officer) the Chair, Treasurer and Secretary all resigned. In the absence of volunteers to replace them, all agreed to “act in post” until a date in early November to allow for a concerted leafletting campaign to take place to uncover potential trustees. Drew Stewart agreed to expedite the production of the leaflets.
There being no other business on the agenda the Chair closed the AGM and continued with the quarterly meeting.