Draft, to be agreed on 19th August 2015

Strachur District Community Council

Minutes of General Meeting

Held 19:30 on Wednesday 17th June 2015, Strathlachlan Community Centre


Members present: Archie Reid (Convener), John Fleming (Vice Convenor), Isabel McGladdery (Treasurer), Kirstie Reid, Iain Wilkie and Les Earle (Secretary).


Also in attendance: Cllr Alex McNaughton and two members of the public.


1. Convener’s opening remarks: None other than to open the meeting.

2. Apologies and declarations of interest: PC Eddie McGunnigal and Ceci Alderton

3. Minutes: Minutes for the meeting held on 15th April 2015 were adopted as accurate.

4. Matters arising:

a. Roadside ditch on Strathlachlan Hall brae. Now that the water main is due for replacement A+B will include this job on their list of repairs for this September.

b. Church wall repairs, the relevant officer has now inspected the repair and is of the opinion that the work is complete. Some doubt was expressed and Cllr McNaughton will continue to pursue officers on this topic.

c. The absence of a pavement in part of the Bay area was raised (eg if you walk from the PO toward the surgery/Creggan’s you have to cross the road away from the direction of travel and then cross the A815 where visibility is limited). Cllr McNaughton has raised this with officers and the work involved and land ownership have made the matter more complicated than original hoped. He will continue with discussions.


5. Health Report: Heather Grier was not present to give a report.


6. Police report: PC Eddie McGunnigal was not present to give a report. Archie would raise the lack of a report.


7. Secretary’s report:

a. Having written to A+B Roads on the anniversary of the original concern over the school crossing Les had a disappointing reply that no date had been fixed to move the 40mph or introduce a “driver advisory” flashing sign. These final improvements would have triggered a new traffic survey by the police. The meeting having expressed its disappointment Les wrote to A+B Roads demanding the introduction of a 30mph limit (as supported by PC McGunnigal at an earlier meeting). A reply has been received to the effect that the previously promised work would be done this summer but that nothing relating to the desired 30mph limit without a request from the Traffic Section of Police Scotland. Les to investigate this further.

b. Alan Reid (former MP) had answered our letter of February the day before the election with a response that the PO had given him. Essentially they are exploring the possibility of another outlet for the PO in Strachur and that outlet would be a PO “local”.

8. Treasurer’s report: The current balance stands at £2386.

9. Transport update: The next Transport Forum is to take place on Friday 19th of June, the following items to be raised:

a. City Link has changed the Glasgow to Oban bus times and while adding a bus (now four a day) there is now no integration with West Coast buses meaning people will have to hang around for hours. These changes have occurred with no consultation or notice.

b. The Strachur services of Interlock and Dial a Bus both run on a Monday, it was suggested by a member of the public that it would make more sense to split the service to give more flexibility and eliminate the loss of both services on bank holidays.

c. The topic of the missing Saturday, Carrick bus service is to be raised again at the Forum.


10. Consultation:

a. National Park Local development Plan (LDP), due to close 29/6/15. No comment was made.

b. A+B LDP, Supplementary Guidance, due to close 3/7/15. Les raised the point that it was intended to relax the design criteria for pavements and lighting on developments of 7-10 houses off single track roads. Some single track portions of roads are busy and carry heavy traffic, eg A886, and while not objecting to the principle it was felt that there should be no relaxation of the sightline criteria for access and egress and that the road on the development should be of sufficient width to allow the passing of a car and emergency vehicle. Les to respond to the consultation.


11. Any other business:

a. Iain MacGregor queried whether the previously announced road improvements beyond Leanach where in fact to be no more than patch repairs. Cllr McNaughton felt certain that it was to be a resurfacing – anyway, work starts in September so we’ll soon know.

b. Archie had some support from Cairndow and Loch Goilhead re the proposed Marine Protection Area but nothing from Inverary whose CC seems to be inquorate. In a general discuss it was noted that a number of people present might attend the Kilmun meeting on Monday 22nd June as it was to be addressed by a member of the Sustainable Inshore Fisheries Trust (SIFT).

c. After some initial glitches the new household waste regime seemed to be working ok. The recycling goes on in Glasgow it seems. Following a request by a member of the public who’d found a visitor unsure of where to put her recycling waste Cllr McNaughton had reported the situation to A+B and a recycling waste bin was to be placed at the garage.

d. Iain MacGregor reported that the contractors who had worked on the Strathlachlan water main had commented that their treatment by locals during road works had been most civil (it seems that they usually come in for abuse).

e. Following on from the water main works the roadside edges had become compressed/eroded and generally knocked about. The contractors were due to commence their final walk through and Cllr McNaughton would ensure that A+B were informed of the roadside condition.

f. John raised the issue of decrepit road signs around Strachur. At the T junction (Dunoon side A815) collapsed sign, main direction sign Glasgow side poles rotting at base. Cllr McNaughton said he would raise this with the appropriate officers.


12. Date of next meeting: 19:30, Wednesday 19th August 2015 at the Strathlachlan Community Centre.

Les Earle, Secretary, Strachur District Community Council