Strachur & District Community Council

Minutes of Ordinary Meeting

Held 19:45 on Wednesday 17th April 2024

Strachur New Hall



Members present: Archie Reid (Convener), William McGladdery, Steve Mclaughlin, Kirstie Reid and Iain Wilkie (Secretary).


Also in attendance: Cammy MacDonald (Strachur & District Community Development Company) and four members of the public.


1. Convener’s opening remarks.

Archie welcomed everyone to the meeting.


2. Apologies and declarations of interest.

Cllr William Sinclair, Lizzie MacDonald and Isabel McGladdery. There were no declarations of interest.


3. Minutes.

Minutes for the Ordinary Meeting held on 13th March 2024 were agreed as accurate.


4. Matters arising.

a. National Park footpaths: update on the plans and timetable for the reinstatement of the footpaths.

In response to a request sent on 21.3.24, Cllr Sinclair had e-mailed the following comment on 16.4.24:

I have spoken to Kenny Auld at the National Park re paths closed in Strachur he did look into it but would need to get some specific details as nothing flagged up.


b. School lights on A815: update.

Cllr Sinclair had e-mailed the following comment on 16.4.24:

…the warning school lights have been progressed as a priority.”


Before the CC meeting on 17.4.24, Iain had e-mailed Cllr Sinclair again stressing the urgency of this issue.

ACTION: Cllr Sinclair


c. Police reports.

Iain had sent our views on the inadequacies of the new Police report format to the new e-mail address he had been advised to use ( and had received no response. It was agreed that he should write directly to the Divisional Commander for Argyll & West Dunbartonshire.



d. Graveyard issues.

Iain had submitted online comments to Argyll & Bute Council on 21.3.24 regarding the tree growing close to the Campbell lair and dog-fouling. The following response had been received from Roads & Amenity Services on 27.3.24:

“We have received a response from the supervisor who has informed me to pass onto you that they will look at the tree in the cemetery in the coming weeks and have it removed, and that they are also in the process of ordering dog signs for all the cemeteries, and they will ask for patrols of the cemeteries to be stepped up.

We can also look at where they are accessing the estate and see if we can prevent access from our ground.”


As there had been no progress, it was agreed that Iain should send a reminder to the Council.



e. Kerb between Heron Park and Memorial Hall.

Iain had submitted a request to Argyll & Bute Council on 21.3.24, asking for the kerb to be lowered. The following response had been received on 2.4.24:

“Our inspector has programmed a repair to be carried out with a target completion date of 28/03/2024*. The repair instruction has now been issued to the workforce. Please note that this date is subject to change due to weather conditions and competing priorities.” [*Presumably “28.04.24” is meant here.]


f. Drain subsidence at 4 Forest View.

Kirstie reported that this was ongoing.

ACTION: Kirstie


5. Police Report (received from PC James Convery by e-mail after the meeting on 3.5.24).

            Between 07/03/2024 and 17/04/2024, the number of Incidents and Crime Reports respectively are 16 and 1.

               The incidents reported as follows:

                              Attempted Fraud
                              Neighbour dispute
                              Planned shoot at Glenbranter
                              Child protection matter
                              Vehicle on fire
                              Duplicate incident
                              Found dog
                              Planned Shoot at Glenbranter
                              Planned Shoot at Glenbranter
                              Driver struck deer
                              Police information
                              Tree blocking road
                              Abandoned 999 call
                              Road traffic collision involving car/bus
                              Assist external agency
                              Assist member of the public.

               There has been 1 crime report raised regarding an attempted fraud for which all lines of enquiry were exhausted    which remains undetected.

               There has been 1 crime report recorded regarding livestock worrying which is currently an ongoing enquiry.  

6. Health Report.

Kirstie informed the meeting that there was no Health Report this month as all meetings had been cancelled due to the changes of the councillor group that was running the Argyll & Bute Council. Committee positions would not be filled until 25th April.


7. Secretary’s Report.

Articles for Newsletter and/or Facebook.

Since the last meeting two articles had been submitted. These were on: Livestock Attacks and Worrying, and the Loch Lomond Divide Cycle Ride.



The main correspondence (in addition to any mentioned elsewhere) had been with:


a. Resident re: school lights.


b. UKMSA re: Strachur Men’s Shed.


c. Mull Car Club re: B8000 issues.


Surveys and consultations.

No responses had been submitted.


Other activities.



8. Treasurer’s report.

The bank balance stood at £2,328.25.


9. Transport update (from Kirstie).

a. Ferry service.

Archie and Kirstie had attended a meeting with other Community Councils to discuss the current town centre to town centre ferry service. It had been agreed that a simple survey would be put out and further meeting would be held. lt was agreed by all that Dunoon CC would host the survey at


b. Buses.

An extra bus will be passing through Strachur Monday to Friday, leaving Dunoon Pier at 14.18, and arriving at Strachur at 14.45 and Leanach at 2.53. Kirstie had been asked at the meeting if the bus could be routed through the village instead of going down the A815.

[Update: Kirstie subsequently spoke to West Coast Motors and the bus will go through the village.]


c. Cowal Transport Forum.

Kirstie had attended this and again requested the return of the Saturday Bus leaving Strachur at either 08.00 or 09.00 and leaving Dunoon at 17.50. West Coast Motors had stated at the meeting that they are back to doing the same mileage as pre-COVID. Kirstie had worked out that the 486 Inveraray/LFO service that passes through Strachur was running 384 fewer miles than before COVID so had asked if other areas were benefitting from Strachur’s loss. This does not include any loss of service from the Carrick Castle 484 service.


10. National Park Update.

None received.


11. AOB.

a. CC By-election.

Iain informed the meeting that our three co-opted members and two other residents had stood for election and would be joining the CC as full members on 2.5.24. The new members were Ian Lowe (who was in attendance), Catherine MacDiarmid, Lizzie MacDonald, William McGladdery and Steve Mclaughlin. All were thanked for putting their names forward.


b. Argyll Rally 2024.

Iain summarised recent issues relating to the proposed closure of the B8000 during the rally.


c. Clachan Brae speed limit.

A request had been received from a resident for a 20 mph speed limit to be imposed on the whole of “Village Road” from the A815 junction at the Hall to the A815 junction at the bus shelter. The general feeling was that, in view of the absence of pavements from much of Village Road, this was desirable for pedestrian safety. However, it was agreed that residents should be consulted before a request was submitted to Argyll & Bute Council.



d. Pavements, A886.

It was reported that the pavement adjacent to the Birlinn Brae-Baycroft stretch of the A886 was in a poor condition, due to eroded edges, tree roots etc. Iain agreed to ask Argyll & Bute Council to do the necessary repairs.



e. Road surface, A886.

It was also stated that the road surface on the same stretch of the A886 was in a poor condition. Iain agreed to follow this up with Argyll & Bute Council



f. Road markings, A815.

The road markings between the school road and A886 junction were badly worn and required repainting. Iain would pursue this.



g. Strachur Fibre Community Partnership.

Ian Lowe provided an update. A total of 128 properties had shown an interest in Full Fibre, 10 being the minimum threshold for being considered a Community Fibre Partnership by Openreach. Openreach had completed a customised installation plan for rolling out Full Fibre and the next stages were for a price to be identified and funding secured, with costs spread between Openreach, the UK government's DCMS Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme (£1,500 for domestic users and £4,500 for commercial users), and the community. If individuals were willing to commit, they would automatically receive a voucher and the project would be completed within 10-12 months.


14. Date and location of next meeting.

The next meeting would be at 19:30, 12th June 2024 in Strachur Memorial Hall.



Iain Wilkie,

Secretary, Strachur & District Community Council
