Strachur District Community Council
Minutes of General Meeting
Held 19:30 on Wednesday 14th December 2016, Strachur Memorial Hall
Members present: Archie Reid (Convener), John Fleming, Isabel McGladdery, Ceci Alderton, Kirstie Reid, Les Earle (Secretary)
Also in attendance: Cllr Alex McNaughton, Cllr Gordon Blair and no members of the public.
1. Convener’s opening remarks: Archie opened the meeting with a general welcome.
2. Apologies and declarations of interest: Iain Wilkie apologised for non-attendance and there were no declarations of interest.
3. Minutes: Minutes for the meeting held on 19th October 2016 were agreed as accurate.
4. Matters arising:
a. Cllr McNaughton is in contact with Paul Farrell who now has the data re the traffic survey at the school crossing – when Paul has downloaded it Cllr McNaughton will forward it to the CC.
b. The road-sign at the A815/A886 junction has been raised with officers. It now has new stainless steel legs but is hard to read – a bi-lingual sign has been promised but in the meantime a wipe with a soapy sponge would be appreciated.
c. No money had been allocated for the repair to the church wall, Strachur, but Cllr McNaughton will continue to raise the issue with officers.
d. The lack of pavement in the Bay area (PO side of the road). Cllr McNaughton said that there was nothing to report at present (and that no money had been allocated to this project) but he would continue to monitor the situation.
e. The Cllr McNaughton has mentioned to the drivers of the road-sweeper that they have been missing the bit of road just north of the Creggans, opposite the car park.
f. The long-promised (January 2013) traffic advisory board at the Bay (to warn of road closures at the Rest) was raised by Cllr McNaughton and Archie at the Transport Forum and it is apparent that the responsibility for the provision and updating of the board is not yet settled. A further meeting will take place in January.
g. Archie had earlier raised the question of traffic management at Dunoon Pier bus stand. Taxis and cars had taken to wait for ferry-passengers at the stand (particularly at 17:50) blocking the buses and causing disruption to passengers. Tempers had frayed when buses, unable to pick up passengers at their allotted slot, boxed in the inter-loping cars and taxis. The precise status of that bit of tarmac was discussed at an earlier Transport Forum and it was thought that A+B would have to adopt it in order to impose regulations. Alternatively this might be a question that can be addressed through the Taxi Licensing committee. Insp Wilson had thought it was a task that he could give to a probationary officer – no word yet as to progress.
h. Les has attempted to take over Iain MacGregor’s correspondence with BT Openreach on progress to improve cabling along the B8000 and has yet to receive a reply despite raising it at an Openreach forum held in October. Iain had been in touch and suggested raising the matter with the CEO of BT.
i. Les has written to Fyne Homes to ask for improved signage at Montgomery Place, Strachur. A locum Doctor had recently not been able to find the address of a house call without knocking on several doors.
5. Police Report: There was no report.
6. Health Report: In October the subject of Locality Planning Groups (LPG) was discussed at some length and the lack of a “Strachur representative” highlighted by the Patient Participation Group (PPG). The argument was balanced in that “without membership could we complain?” against Cllr Breslin’s argument for resigning given in the local paper, “no power to influence decisions” – given extra weight by the shoddy lack of consultation over the proposed closure of Struan Lodge. Kirstie (nobly) volunteered to represent the Strachur district.
Kirstie was able to update the meeting on her attempts to represent Strachur on the LPG which we understood to be lacking a Strachur representative. Having spoken to various personnel Kirstie turned up to find she was not able to represent Strachur, as such, as at an earlier meeting it had been agreed that only three CC’llrs would be on the LPG represent Cowal District. This then begs the questions, who represents us and why haven’t they reported on the work of the LPG?
To add to the general air of confusion Cllr Blair said that he had recently been appointed to the same LPG but was surprised to hear from Kirstie, this evening, that there was a meeting tomorrow (15/12/16) as he had received no notice.
7. Secretary’s Report: Les had nothing to add to that above other to circulate an email from Iain MacGregor.
8. Treasurer’s report: The balance had been £2,255 but after the Memorial Hall expenses, Les’s travel to a workshop in Helensburgh, Youth Drama Group expenses and the receipt of the grant from A+BC the balance was now £2,617. It was agreed that before the next Remembrance service the CC would pay for replacement wreaths.
9. Transport update: Effectively covered in Matters Arising.
10. Public Engagement – particularly young people: It was agreed in principle that we would get Strachur CC engagement officially recognised and credited on the Young Scot Rewards scheme. This scheme encourages young people to participate in activities that benefit themselves and their communities, as a result of which they collect points on their Young Scot Entitlement Card - also useful for their “personal statements” when applying to college or university.
Iain has been in contact with Roanna Clark (A&B Youth Participation Officer) and she looked into how CC engagement could be added to the list of creditable activities. We hope that Roanna can attend our next meeting (18/1/17) to fill us in on the detail of the scheme and answer questions. Once this is done it would be advertised on the Young Scot website, social media, and through the Cowal Youth Forum and Dunoon Grammar School (the pupils presenting the seminar that Iain attended suggested it could be included in the Daily Notices that go out at Registration).
11. Public Telephone Box: The phone box in the Clachan, due to be decommissioned by BT, had attracted a good deal of attention (1300 viewings on facebook) but nobody has come forward with a suggested use that they were prepared to implement. At an earlier meeting the subject of a defibrillator had been raised by the Patient Participation Group (PPG). Les was able to report that the Hall executive committee had now agreed to the mounting of a defibrillator on an external wall of the Hall. It was generally agreed that the Hall was an altogether more suitable location being a position where it was most likely to be of use. The “holding reply” re the phone box still rests with BT and we need do nothing at the moment in case someone has an idea that they are prepared to implement.
12. Boccia: When Archie and Heather Grier met with Cleland Sneddon (Chief Exec, A+BC) the subject of a second Boccia set for the HUB was broached. Cleland was of the opinion that it was a good idea and supported the proposal that the CC buys a set to donate to the HUB. It was moved by Kirstie, seconded by Les and agreed by all present that a Boccia set be purchased for the HUB.
13. Any Other Business:
a. The Strachur Youth Drama Group again relieved the CC of organising the Xmas lights and associated “switching on”. A donation of £50 was agreed to cover their expenses.
b. The area of Clachan Brae opposite the builder’s yard was again flooded after recent rainfall – probably a blocked drain. Cllr McNaughton said he would raise the matter with A+BC.
c. Ceci announced that following last week’s meeting with Community Partnership (Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park liaison body) she has been appointed to the board of the Partnership.
d. Iain MacGregor’s email raised a question as to the partial flooding of the Strathlachlan graveyard. Iain had discussed the matter with Joe McCabe, foreman, and the plan had been to rod the drains in the autumn (particularly under the new path). Cllr McNaughton said he would raise the matter with officers to check if the work had been undertaken as planned.
e. It was asked what was happening in relation to the Community Benefit fund administered by a committee organised under the auspices of the DevCo. Neither Kirstie nor Les had heard from the DevCo and Les said he would make enquiries.
14. Date of next meeting: 19:30, Wednesday 18th January 2017 at the Strachur Memorial Hall.
Les Earle, Secretary, Strachur District Community Council