Strachur Community Council
Minutes of Ordinary Meeting
Held 19:30 on Wednesday 16th March 2022
Strathlachlan Community Centre
Members present: Archie Reid (Convener), Drew Stewart (Vice-Convener), Iain Wilkie (Secretary) and Kirstie Reid.
Also in attendance: seven members of the public.
1. Convener’s opening remarks:
Archie welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2. Apologies and declarations of interest:
Cllr Alan Reid, Bob Darracott, Bill Dickson and Isabel McGladdery apologised for non-attendance. There were no declarations of interest.
3. Minutes.
Minutes for the Ordinary Meeting held on 12th January 2022 were agreed as accurate.
4. Matters arising.
a. White lining: A815 at Cambusdhu, Loch Eck.
Cllr Reid reported (via e-mail) that this line had been painted.
b. Grass spreading over A815 pavement from Clachan Beag houses to Creggans.
Cllr Reid had been informed by Roads on 27th January that “These works are ongoing - scrub has been cut back from the petrol station to the school crossing point - and we will continue with these works as resources allow.” Iain noted that the grass had been cleared from the inner edge of the pavement from ‘The Creggans’ to midway between Strachur Estate Lodge and the A886 junction, i.e. not on the south stretch up to the Clachan Beag houses or on the stretch north of ‘The Creggans’.
ACTION: Cllrs Blair/McNeilly/Reid
c. Blocked drains adjacent to parking area in front of ‘Ashbank’ etc.
Roads had e-mailed Cllr Reid: “Two of the three gullies are now working, and as they are the two lower gullies this is sufficient. We do not plan further works at present.” However, Iain had observed that the drain at ‘Ashbank’ was still blocked, with water collecting above it. After very wet weather, residents had to wade through this water to access or leave their property.
ACTION: Cllrs Blair/McNeilly/Reid
d. Blocked drains: A886 from building site to start of raised pavement.
Roads had e-mailed Cllr Reid: “We will need to excavate to find out exactly where the water is rising, and install a pipe to take the water to the roadside ditch. The work is unlikely to take place before the end of this financial year. We will provide a timescale for the work as soon as it has been programmed, and will update by the end of March. In the meantime, this is on a Priority 1 route so it is being inspected monthly and any safety defects will be addressed.” Archie requested that the Community Council be informed of the proposed start and completion dates, when these are known.
ACTION: Cllrs Blair/McNeilly/Reid
e. Baycroft problems in freezing weather.
On 18th January, Roads had e-mailed Cllr Reid: “We are looking to have this added, however we will need to check that the large vehicle which maintains this road can access the area and turn with the plough fitted. We'd only be able to do the brae, and will ensure the grit bin is stocked.” The meeting was informed by a member of the public that the brae had been gritted.
f. Clachan Brae street lights.
On 20th January, Roads had e-mailed Cllr Reid: “The streetlighting team have advised that they have attended to these faults and they should now be repaired.”
g. Flashing lights at school crossing.
Roads had e-mailed Cllr Reid: “We have requested a quote from the external contractor Dynniq to carry out this repair.”
h. Inform Argyll & Bute Council that CC raised no objections to street name ‘Birlinn Brae’.
Iain had done this on 13th January.
i. Case for reducing A815 and A886 speed limit.
Iain had phoned Chief Inspector Emma Grimason on 14th January to discuss residents’ concerns. She said there should be increased police visibility in 2022, following COP26 and with the pandemic lifting. She had discussed the issues with Hugh O’Neill (Argyll & Bute Council Network & Standards Manager).
Paul Farrell (Argyll & Bute Council Traffic & Development Officer) had responded (on 7th February) to the e-mail Iain had sent him on 4th January making a case for reducing the A886 speed limit to 30 mph. Mr Farrell’s response was: “A speed/volume survey has been programmed to be carried out in fourth quarter of the current financial year, once we have established the mean speed of traffic along this section of the A886 we will be in a better position to address the concerns raised.”
Members of the pubic attending the meeting reiterated at length the concerns that have been communicated repeatedly to the CC by many other residents (although not all attendees favoured a reduction in local speed limits). It was agreed that the CC should seek the assistance of Jenni Minto, MSP for Argyll & Bute.
j. Collective Leadership Model: arrange face-to-face public meeting with education professionals.
See item 11 below.
k. Speeding on B8000: ask Police to conduct speed check.
Iain had reported this to Chief Inspector Grimason on 14th January. Her response was: “We will do what we can to show a presence.”
l. Friendship bench.
This had still to be installed.
ACTION: Kirstie
m. Changes to bus timetables.
Kirstie had brought this up at the 9th February meeting of the Cowal Transport Forum. See item 9 below.
Kirstie had also contacted the ‘Dunoon Observer’ concerning changing bus timetables, which had resulted in an article published in the 21st January issue.
5. Police Report (received from PS Elaine Heffron by e-mail).
There were 22 calls relating to the Strachur Community Council area between the dates of 10/1/1/22 and 16/3/22. Incidents of note: neighbour dispute (1), suspect persons (2), cybercrime (1), damage to property (1), concern for person (1), assist the public (2), and road traffic (6).
Two crime reports were recorded, which related to breach of bail conditions and vandalism.
Current initiatives: Keep Safe in Bute and Cowal, Dementia Project – the Herbert Protocol, Frauds, and Roads Policing.
Roads Policing Officers for Cowal and Bute regularly carry out speed checks at the following areas which have been highlighted as problem areas:
A815 Bullwood Road, Dunoon
A815 Strachur
A815 Shore Rd, Innellan
A886 Strachur
B836 Clachaig
In addition, given the time of year, they are currently carrying out adverse weather patrols working with Argyll and Bute Council and Bear Scotland (A82/A83/A85/A828).
The following National Road Policing Campaigns are planned:
21-27 February 2022 Mobile Phone Campaign
14-20 March 2022 Commercial Vehicle Campaign.
6. Health Report.
a. Why can GP surgeries not sell over-the-counter medicines to patients?
In light of the many adverts on TV and Social Media directing the public to go to their Chemist, Dentist or Optician before their GP, Kirstie had been asked by residents to enquire why, in rural areas like ours, where GP surgeries dispense medication directly to their patients, can the surgeries not stock over-the-counter medicines which patients could buy; an added advantage would be that patients could be advised about the safety of taking such medicines with their prescribed medication. The answer is that this cannot be done because it is illegal.
b. Unpaid Carers.
Issues had been raised with Kirstie and some of the carers’ centres about unpaid carers not being allowed to attend medical appointments for their cared-for person, which has happened both locally and in the Greater Glasgow & Clyde Health Board Area. The position of the Argyll & Bute Health & Social Care Partnership is that they wish all patients to attend with their unpaid carer where possible, although, if the cared-for person wishes to attend by themself, this will be accommodated, if possible. Kirstie asked anyone who has had an issue with this to please let her know.
c. NHS Near Me.
These Virtual Hospital appointments are available at Cairndow village hall. To book a private fully equipped confidential space, patients should call 07908969467. If patients are offered a virtual appointment by their consultant, this can save a long trip to Greenock, Paisley or Glasgow.
d. Crossroads Caring for Carers.
Kirstie has copies of the CCC Newsletter for distribution to anyone who wants one.
7. Secretary’s Report.
Articles for Newsletter and Facebook.
Since the last meeting five articles had been submitted. These were on: Census 2022; Consultation on ‘Collective Leadership Model’ (Reminder); new Livestock Worrying Bill; recruitment of Polling Station staff; and Consultation on Local Forest Management.
The main correspondence (in addition to any mentioned elsewhere) had been with:
a. Argyll & Bute Council regarding:
i/ Collective Leadership Model.
ii/ Protection of trees beside A886 opposite ‘Birlinn Brae’.
[Argyll & Bute Council had confirmed that they have no protection, as they are not specifically covered by a Tree Preservation Order and are not in a Conservation Area.]
iii/ Speed limit etc. on A886.
iv/ Changes to CC Constitution and Standing Orders (see item 12).
v/ Review of Local Scheme for the Establishment of CCs (see item 13).
b. Residents (x3) regarding speed limit etc. on A886/A815.
c. Forestry & Land Scotland regarding attendance of FLS representative at CC meeting to give update on Phytophthora situation.
[Update: Rebecca Smith (FLS) will attend the 15th June CC meeting.]
d. Hall Committee regarding Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
[Update: Iain had been informed that the Hall Committee “does not feel [a celebration of the QGJ] falls within the hall remit to arrange”. Archie and Kirstie offered to contact hall user groups and other potentially interested parties with a view to organising an event.]
ACTION: Archie & Kirstie
Surveys and consultations.
No responses have been submitted since the last CC meeting
Other activities.
a. Delivered Argyll Rally 2022 letters to properties beside Loch Fyne stage (Barnacarry to Corra) on 27.1.22.
b. Attended Teams meeting on Collective Leadership Model on 28.1.22.
c. Attended Argyll Rally 2022 Zoom meeting on 28.2.22.
d. Attended Community Fund meeting on 1.3.22.
8. Treasurer’s report.
The bank balance stood at £2,049.99.
9. Transport update.
a. Bus timetables.
Archie reported that the Loch Fyne Oysters Bus had returned to leaving Dunoon Pier at 3.50 p.m. allowing anyone coming off the 3.20 p.m. ferry to get to Strachur rather than having to wait until the 5.50 p.m. bus. The Oban Glasgow bus would return to going through Inveraray instead of going via Tyndrum for its summer timetable starting on 31st March, although it was unclear if West Coast Motors would also revert back to the 5.50 p.m. bus to Inveraray connecting with this service on the return journey.
b. Concessionary fares.
Concessionary fares funded by Strathclyde Passenger Transport (SPT) would be rising significantly on 1st April. Fares would rise by up to half an adult fare for the same journey; this would affect both ferry companies, the trains and the subway The free bus fare to concession card holders and the under 22s will remain free, as this is a Scottish Government Scheme fully funded by them.
10. National Park Update.
Bob Darracott informed us by e-mail that there were no major new planning issues of local relevance.
Other issues related to planning applications/consultations:
a. The Loch Long Salmon Ltd. application for a fish farm close to Ardgartan was now fully registered and was undergoing assessment. This should come to the Planning Committee in the next two months.
b. Consultations have commenced with the new owners of the former torpedo testing site on Loch Long, though an application is not imminent.
c. The National Park anticipated that a fully revised application will be lodged soon for the Lomond Banks site at Balloch. When this was submitted in its previous form (‘Flamingo Land’) it generated very widespread opposition.
The National Park held a major consultation on March 11th relating to visitor management preparations for the coming year. The notes of the meeting will be published on the web site. In this context and against a background of an increased budget relating to this activity for 2022/23, Bob continues to press the case for improved management and control of the various camping/visitor sites in the Lock Eck area.
11. Collective Leadership Model.
At the last CC meeting it had been agreed that it would be worth convening a special CC meeting on the CLM only if an educational professional attended in person. Iain had requested such a meeting and Argyll & Bute Council (ABC) had offered us Jennifer Crockett (ABC Head of Education) and David Mitchell (DGS Head Teacher). It emerged that they were willing to attend only virtually (via ‘Teams’), because of the COVID situation.
All relevant CCs had been asked to respond to the consultation. Because the CC response should be based on the community’s views, Iain had put the consultation questionnaire in the March Newsletter and on the Community Facebook page (on 4.2.22) and asked for views to be sent to the CC. No responses had been received.
Iain had also sent two e-mails to the local Parent Partnership Group, but had received no reply.
Community Councillors were asked to send their views to Iain before the 31st March deadline.
ACTION: All Community Councillors
12. Amendment of Constitution and Standing Orders.
These had been adjusted slightly to take account of changes allowing CCs to hold remote or hybrid meetings. The motion that the amendments be accepted was moved by Drew Stewart and seconded by Kirstie Reid.
13. Review of Local Scheme for the Establishment of Community Councils.
Iain had previously sent all Community Councillors the relevant document showing proposed amendments. There was no time to discuss this adequately and, since the deadline for submission of comments was 22nd April, it was agreed that it should be carried over to the next Ordinary Meeting on 13th April.
14. AOB
a. School Crossing Patroller.
The meeting was informed that the post of Strachur School Crossing Patroller had been advertised again (closing date 19th March).
b. Recycling site issues.
The CC had received requests for the missing ‘No Illegal Dumping’ sign to be replaced and for the dog-poo bin to be moved from the recycling site to a location near a Heron Park exit.
d. White-lining.
An attendee commented that white-lining on the A815 near the Filling Station was worn out.
12. Date and location of next meeting.
The Annual General Meeting will commence 19:30, Wednesday 13th April 2022 in Strachur Memorial Hall and will be followed by an Ordinary Meeting.
Iain Wilkie
Secretary, Strachur Community Council